Ramadhaan Goals - 2021
AsSalamu alaykum & welcome back to my blog! It’s been a while since I posted my first blog entry.
As Ramadhaan is just a few days away, I would like to briefly talk about how I will set my goals for the month. I know so many people have many goals set for this month, but I think sometimes they end up burning out (like I do many times), or give up because they feel like it is too much to continue.
Every Ramadhaan, I come up with extreme goals for myself that I truly in my heart think I will achieve. I mean, it’s great to set the bar high for yourself but it isn’t always wise or realistic. I think it’s a good thing that many of us have high goals during the blessed month. However, I also think we should set goals that cater to our life. That won’t burn us out, or make us feel like failures because we weren’t able to achieve them.
This year, I told myself I will write everything that I want to do for Ramadhaan, then I will narrow it down to three. So, I came up with one word to focus on, & three main goals.
The word that I decided to focus on for this year is consistency. This is something I struggle with - especially during Ramadhaan. Now that I have one main word I will focus on, I narrowed my goals down to three that I feel are attainable for me in my life, realistic for busy days with my kids, & still something I can continue after Ramadhaan. I told myself I will keep these three goals for the entire month & remember to be consistent in it. Even if they are small.
As the Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him said:
“The most beloved of deeds to Allah are the most consistent of them, even if they are few”
Al-Bukhari no. 6464 and Muslim no. 2818.
Of course, we should aim for consistency in our lives, not just throughout Ramadhaan. This Hadith, on the other hand, has served as motivation for my goals this year. It's important to keep things clear but consistent.
I've created a chart that I think will assist you in achieving your Ramadhaan goals this year. I wanted it to be simple, yet effective. You can find the PDF for the chart down below.
Also, you don’t have to choose the word consistency like I did. So here are some other words you can use to inspire you for the chart: important, productive, achievable, simple, short, rewards, heavy (on the scale), easy, intention, etc.
Lastly, you can definitely add more goals if you feel you can achieve them. As a busy mom running around with so many things to do, I have decided that three goals would be best for me. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself if you think you are able to accomplish them. Just make sure to not do too much and then get burned out in a short amount of time. If you find yourself burning out after a few days or a week, check-in with yourself and see what you can cut back on - what goal you can set aside in the meantime.
This Ramadhaan, let’s do things that will help keep us productive, not just busy. I think this is definitely achievable with some planning, & the help of Allaah.
I wanted to keep this post short, simple but still helpful. I hope you found this beneficial.
You can write the chart down if you like, take a picture of it, or print it out. If you decide to print it out, make sure you click on “Files” at the top left side of your screen. Scroll down and click “Save Page As”. Once you do that, you can save it and print. Or simply just click “File” and scroll down and click “Print”.
Click the the boxes down below labeled “Ramadhaan 2021” <— (this is just a cover) & “Ramadhaan Goals - 2021”. Feel free to share.
May Allaah allow us to witness, benefit & reap the rewards of this blessed month. I hope we can truly find ways to change during this Ramadhaan & continue our actions even after it, aameen.